GOOD and service tax (gst)

Our team comprises indirect tax professionals who provide comprehensive advice and assistance on indirect taxes.

India’s biggest tax reform is now a reality. A comprehensive dual Goods and Services Tax (GST) has replaced the complex multiple indirect tax structure from 1 July 2017.

The concept of GST was visualized for the first time in 1999. On 8 August 2016, the Constitutional Amendment Bill for roll out of GST was passed by the Parliament, followed by ratification of the bill by more than 15 states and enactment of the bill in early September.

GST is a major reform that would change the tax landscape in India and the way business would be conducted in the country. With actual implementation of GST around the corner, the industry should quickly gear up and carry out GST impact analysis. In this respect we provide the following services:


A. GST Impact Study


Businesses can use our Impact Analysis Tools for determining GST impact analysis on their profitability and revenue under the GST regime. Basic tools are meant for business not having complex operating/ tax structures as highlighted under Advance study below.

B. Advanced GST Impact study

Using our Advance Tools are meant for businesses having complex operating/ tax structure, i.e.:
  • Operate in more than one State
  • Import and/or Export Goods/Services
  • Do stock transfers across branches and/ or supply goods on ‘Free of Cost basis’
  • Carry out in-transit sales
  • Undertake transactions such as High Sea Sales/ Sales in the Course of import
  • Pay multiple indirect taxes, such as Service Tax, VAT/ CST, Central Excise, Customs Duty, Entry Tax etc.
  • Undertake fix-price/fee contracts
  • Supply to SEZ units

You can select the Advance study applicable to your business and obtain a detailed GST impact analysis report covering the following aspects:

  • Providing detailed GST impact analysis with respect to profits of your business, i.e. along with the in-depth analysis of reasons contributing to the increase/ decrease
  • Providing detailed GST impact analysis with respect to revenue of your business, i.e. along with the in-depth analysis of reasons contributing to the increase/ decrease
  • Highlighting transitional issues including impact on input tax credit pertaining to closing stock 
  • Highlighting impact on ongoing contracts
  • Providing sample invoices to be issued in GST regime
  • Providing advise on the basic changes required in IT and Accounting Systems
  • Detailing compliances required to be undertaken under the GST regime, i.e. frequency and types of returns to be filed
  • Requirement of obtaining/ amending registrations, if any
SAMP provides following services with respect to GST:
  • GST  Impact Study
  • GST Anti profiting calculations
  • Contract Review
  • Team Training
  • GST Compliance
  • Documentations
  • Accounting Software testing & suggestions etc.

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