Audit Related Service

At SAMP we provide service in the field of Statutory Audit and Internal Audit

In the field of Statutory and Taxation Audit, the firm gained experience in the field of Statutory, Branch, Concurrent, Inspection, Revenue, Expenditure, Management, Internal and Systems Audits of Public/Private Limited Companies, Banks, Public Sector Undertakings, Insurance Companies, Aviation Sector, Co-operative Societies, Trusts, Branch/Project/ Liaison Offices of Foreign Companies, Non-Government.
Internal Audit, Risk Management and Process Development
  • Evaluating internal control systems / procedures
  • Advising client for ensuring better internal control system
  • Framing the Internal Audit Plan and internal audit scope based on risk assessment
  • Reviewing financial & operational business risks and assessing control systems as part of a centralized financial and management activity
  • Implementing risk management and examining, evaluating, reporting, and recommending improvements on the adequacy and effectiveness of established risk management processes
  • Understanding the work flow of each activity
  • Developing process for each activity with adequate control measures
  • Evaluating the existing process and recommending changes, if any
Business Process and Risk Counseling
  • Performance Improvement
  • Cost Reduction
  • Process Improvement
  • Benchmarking
  • Diagnostic Review
  • Management Systems Advisory
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Management Information
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